The Origin Of Sex Taboo
In the earliest times of the human existence, people lived on the planet earth in a similar way like all other mammals. Consequently we can say that the human females had all the freedom and independence in these early times.
Then late, because of the necessity, in order to fight for the survival, or, to occupy new areas because of the ambition, and to dominate, somebody made an exceptional discovery, (a trick that should reach a demographic advantage): The suppression of the rights of the women! The suppression of the woman's right had as goal to treat the women as bare "migrant wombs '... so that, society got a demographic advantage!
In fact, when the wars were ́body-to-body ́, the numerical factor (number of available fighters) was of crucial importance... as this factor decided (often) the battles in the end.
Then, because of the necessity, to fight for the survival or because of the ambition to occupy new areas and to dominate, somebody made a remarkable new discovery: SEX TABOO!
The sex taboo had the goal to guarantee a better profitability of the human means of the society! In fact, the human being is no alien: just like it happened with many other mammals, in general the human females are "especially sensitive” with the stronger males...
Let's analyze the sex taboo:
- The society prevents the access of the women to economic independence;
- Women, who didn't marry, were the goal of the social criticism; [so Apparently women were forced to get married];
- There should be no sex before the marriage, - Women should not have any enjoyment of the sex;
- Women, who felt sexually frustrated, were not allowed to talk about it with anybody since the sexual male capability wasn ́t allowed to be questioned;
- Divorce was forbidden.
Obvious conclusion: the true goal of the sex taboo was to put a real trap to the woman... so that one brought these to accept sexually weaker males! In other words, the true purpose of the sex taboo was to integrate socially weaker males!
So, logically, leading a good management of the human means [sexually weaker men were also high-motivated... in order to fight for the survival of their society), the sex taboo led to an advantage of the each society!!!...
At that time, the leaders of the societies paid attention... that is, they knew that in order to build a disciplined army, it was necessary to fulfill previously a big long-term sociological work... in order to train ́rough Männer ́, .
[A comment: An inefficient capacity forming the " rough men"... caused that many societies didn't succeed in surviving century until the 20th century.]
Here some curious cases:
1) Women had to remain at home and to take care of the children (this is, it was necessary to guarantee the capacity of the demographic renewal), because the enemy led a demographic war of attrition otherwise... and in the end of a generation (without a demographic renewal of the 'other side') the enemy would win the war very easily;
2) Widows were not allowed to get married again since it was not good for the morale of the fighters to think.... that, if they die on the battlefield... their wife would amuse herself with another;
3) There was a strong suppression of the homosexuals... since the society needed "rough men" in order to fight the battles [true body-to- body bloodbaths].
However... there was a discovery, that caused an authentic sociological revolution: the development of high-tec-weapons (for example atomic weapons).
With the high-tech-weapons, the numerical factor lost much of its old meaning... the decision of the wars! Consequently in the societies (with high-tech-weapons equipped), there is no more need for a demographic race... in order to guarantee a capacity of the self- defense.
(Comment: approximately 50 percent of female babies and male babies are born)
In traditionally monogamous societies only a small percentage of men is childless.
As to expect, the high-tech-weapons caused the decline of the sex taboo. And with the decline of the sex taboo (also as expected) the share of the men without children in traditionally monogamous societies rose strongly.
[Comment: In contrast, the most successful males had children of consecutive marriages...]
Furthermore, with the end of the sex taboo, the following phenomenon also arrived: Many males of monogamous societies were looking for economically weak females [softer]... from other societies.
However these men (with good health), who didn't follow this way,... should have the legitimate right, to have access to ARTIFICIAL WOMBS!... [Surrogate mother]
The modern European society cannot go on being so hypocritical!...
That is, it cannot want to go on to classify certain behaviours as ́preconceived ́..., certain behaviours, that were ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for its survival!... That is:
1) The traditionally monogamous societies must accept their history!
2) The traditionally monogamous societies must accept that the survival doesn't fall from heaven!
3) The traditionally monogamous societies must assume that survival was only possible, thanks to a big sociological work... specially a good human management, specialy the fact, that they succeeded motivating better the sexually weaker males, so that they were interested in the survival of their identity. Expressed differently, now, they are protected, thanks to the existence of the high-tech-weapons, the traditionally monogamous societies can ́t throw the sexually weaker males simply so into the "waste paper basket" of the society.
[Comment: The Islamic people suppress the right of the women - they are treated just like ́walking wombs ́ - with the goal to get a demographic advantage. If they had not lost 732 AD (in Poitiers), in Europe nowadays every woman would walk around in Burkas.]
In old armies... homosexuality was promoted... "Old armies '... This means, if this motivating strategy is uses, any army didn't survive until the present day: they all were erased!
The generals are not dumb, they simply recognized that instead of promoting the homosexuality, they should follow other, even more effective motivation strategies...
WAKE UP: Muslims use a ‘trick’ to get reach a «demographic advantage»: The suppression of the rights of the women!…
Then late, because of the necessity, in order to fight for the survival, or, to occupy new areas because of the ambition, and to dominate, somebody made an exceptional discovery, (a trick that should reach a demographic advantage): The suppression of the rights of the women! The suppression of the woman's right had as goal to treat the women as bare "migrant wombs '... so that, society got a demographic advantage!
In fact, when the wars were ́body-to-body ́, the numerical factor (number of available fighters) was of crucial importance... as this factor decided (often) the battles in the end.
Then, because of the necessity, to fight for the survival or because of the ambition to occupy new areas and to dominate, somebody made a remarkable new discovery: SEX TABOO!
The sex taboo had the goal to guarantee a better profitability of the human means of the society! In fact, the human being is no alien: just like it happened with many other mammals, in general the human females are "especially sensitive” with the stronger males...
Let's analyze the sex taboo:
- The society prevents the access of the women to economic independence;
- Women, who didn't marry, were the goal of the social criticism; [so Apparently women were forced to get married];
- There should be no sex before the marriage, - Women should not have any enjoyment of the sex;
- Women, who felt sexually frustrated, were not allowed to talk about it with anybody since the sexual male capability wasn ́t allowed to be questioned;
- Divorce was forbidden.
Obvious conclusion: the true goal of the sex taboo was to put a real trap to the woman... so that one brought these to accept sexually weaker males! In other words, the true purpose of the sex taboo was to integrate socially weaker males!
So, logically, leading a good management of the human means [sexually weaker men were also high-motivated... in order to fight for the survival of their society), the sex taboo led to an advantage of the each society!!!...
At that time, the leaders of the societies paid attention... that is, they knew that in order to build a disciplined army, it was necessary to fulfill previously a big long-term sociological work... in order to train ́rough Männer ́, .
[A comment: An inefficient capacity forming the " rough men"... caused that many societies didn't succeed in surviving century until the 20th century.]
Here some curious cases:
1) Women had to remain at home and to take care of the children (this is, it was necessary to guarantee the capacity of the demographic renewal), because the enemy led a demographic war of attrition otherwise... and in the end of a generation (without a demographic renewal of the 'other side') the enemy would win the war very easily;
2) Widows were not allowed to get married again since it was not good for the morale of the fighters to think.... that, if they die on the battlefield... their wife would amuse herself with another;
3) There was a strong suppression of the homosexuals... since the society needed "rough men" in order to fight the battles [true body-to- body bloodbaths].
However... there was a discovery, that caused an authentic sociological revolution: the development of high-tec-weapons (for example atomic weapons).
With the high-tech-weapons, the numerical factor lost much of its old meaning... the decision of the wars! Consequently in the societies (with high-tech-weapons equipped), there is no more need for a demographic race... in order to guarantee a capacity of the self- defense.
(Comment: approximately 50 percent of female babies and male babies are born)
In traditionally monogamous societies only a small percentage of men is childless.
As to expect, the high-tech-weapons caused the decline of the sex taboo. And with the decline of the sex taboo (also as expected) the share of the men without children in traditionally monogamous societies rose strongly.
[Comment: In contrast, the most successful males had children of consecutive marriages...]
Furthermore, with the end of the sex taboo, the following phenomenon also arrived: Many males of monogamous societies were looking for economically weak females [softer]... from other societies.
However these men (with good health), who didn't follow this way,... should have the legitimate right, to have access to ARTIFICIAL WOMBS!... [Surrogate mother]
The modern European society cannot go on being so hypocritical!...
That is, it cannot want to go on to classify certain behaviours as ́preconceived ́..., certain behaviours, that were ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for its survival!... That is:
1) The traditionally monogamous societies must accept their history!
2) The traditionally monogamous societies must accept that the survival doesn't fall from heaven!
3) The traditionally monogamous societies must assume that survival was only possible, thanks to a big sociological work... specially a good human management, specialy the fact, that they succeeded motivating better the sexually weaker males, so that they were interested in the survival of their identity. Expressed differently, now, they are protected, thanks to the existence of the high-tech-weapons, the traditionally monogamous societies can ́t throw the sexually weaker males simply so into the "waste paper basket" of the society.
[Comment: The Islamic people suppress the right of the women - they are treated just like ́walking wombs ́ - with the goal to get a demographic advantage. If they had not lost 732 AD (in Poitiers), in Europe nowadays every woman would walk around in Burkas.]
In old armies... homosexuality was promoted... "Old armies '... This means, if this motivating strategy is uses, any army didn't survive until the present day: they all were erased!
The generals are not dumb, they simply recognized that instead of promoting the homosexuality, they should follow other, even more effective motivation strategies...
WAKE UP: Muslims use a ‘trick’ to get reach a «demographic advantage»: The suppression of the rights of the women!…